Thursday, 6 December 2007

Give the developers a hand...

Fans of the Nintendo Wii are sure to be delighted with the news that a new computer chip will allow people to control DVD playback by simply waving their hands around.
Developers are obviously jumping on the bandwagon in a bid to attract the new generation of frontroom flappers.
Imagine having a particularly energetic argument with the girlfriend or wife in front of the DVD player... before you know it you'll have maxed out the volume, skipped to the nail biting end and chosen to view the deleted scenes all in a few waves of the hand.
Apparently the new chip allows viewers to stop, skip ahead and give other commands by pointing their thumbs at the screen from up to 10 feet away.
The processor, demonstrated today by Toshiba on laptop computers, can also manipulate 3D images.
In a demonstration the laptop camera put the subject’s face on screen, then allowed her to choose hairstyles and types of makeup.
The computer put the changes on the image in 3D, which could then be moved to check out the new look from different angles.
Jointly developed by Toshiba, IBM and Sony, the 'SpursEngine' processor is not yet on the market and a launch date is still to be announced.
If you ask me we are fast becoming a nation of flappers - not least vegetables.
Whatever next?! Boil a kettle by blinking, get a Hoover to hoover the house by telling it to or stoke up the fire by clicking?
It's all going mad if you ask me.


Title: Eternal Sonata
Platform: Xbox 360
RRP: £49.99
Hit count: 4/5

Promising to be the RPG game Xbox 360 gamers have been waiting for, Eternal Sonata delivers on all counts with its gorgeous next generation graphics, a truly unique battle set up and a convincing (if a little pansy-ish and random) storyline.
The game scores highly on the imagination front. I mean, it's based on the last dream of the dying composer Chopin and the age-old good vs evil theory.
It also scores massively on the visual side. With its divine graphics many of the scenes wouldn't look out of place in a Disney film.
The downside (and isn't there always one?) is the moral side to just about every twist and turn in the game.
Not even half way through I became fed up at being preached to by a console!
Put bluntly it is the best RPG out there and well deserved of the praise it's received.

Title: Chronos Twin
Platform: Nintendo DS
RRP: £24.99
Hit count: 3/5

The same storyline set in two different time zones on two different screens featuring the same character. Confused? I was.
Surprisingly, it works. It's a idea is fresh and innovative idea which ultimately lends itself to the console with its two screens.
The storyline sees our hero 'Nec' jumping back in time to defeat a monster who later invades his planet set about destroying the world.
A key part of the title is the fact that it doesn't throw you in the deep end.
The game develops and becomes more challenging as you progress enabling the user to get to grips with the twin settings.

Title: Pokemon Battle Revolution
Platform: Nintendo Wii
RRP: £39.99
Hit count: 5/5

Pokemon Battle Revolution is sure to be the game all Pokemon fans have been waiting for.
It may also be the title which propels the Wii to the forefront of the must-have list this Christmas.
The gist of it is this... forget about all other previous Pokemon games. This is the real deal.
Grab yourself a battle pass, customise your trainer and battle your way to the rank of Poketopia Master!
The title allows you to choose various versus modes and select numerous Pokemon.
You can also wirelessly transfer your characters from your Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl from your Nintendo DS.